Wise Marketing

Video Content is Important

Video Content is More Important Than Ever

  1. Everyone enjoys video content
  2.  Video increases sales and revenue
  3. A grate storytelling medium
  4. Can explaain anything with video
  5. Video is versatile
  6. Video builds confidence and trust
  7. Social media favours video content.
  8. Video content is more memorable
  9. Video content improves SEO

Effective videos are those that use a combination of visuals, audio, pacing, and storytelling to create a compelling and engaging experience for viewers.

Elements of an effective video

Message of video Content

Video is a powerful tool that can be used to engage, educate, and entertain audiences. Effective videos are those that are able to grab the attention of viewers and keep them engaged throughout. There are several elements that contribute to the effectiveness of a video, including the use of visuals, audio, pacing, and storytelling.

  • Video content is powerful and can help companies cater to their audience’s needs

Keep it short

Shorter videos are better for most business content, as viewers don’t have the patience for longer content. An ideal length for most business videos is under 2 minutes, except for training or vlogs. Different types of videos have different optimal lengths:

  • social media ads (15-25 sec),
  • social media posts (15-45 sec)
  • explainer videos (45-90 sec)
  • deep explainers (90-120 sec)
  • training videos (1-4 min).

Make your message clear

The script is a crucial element of video production, driving its length, content, and call-to-action. The best scripts are concise, engaging, and lead to a clear action for the viewer to take.

  • Human narrators speak at a rate of 120-130 words per minute, so use this as a guide for video length, such as aiming for a 90-second video with a 200-word script or a 15-second ad with a 30-35 word script.

Video content and script

Use concepts, key words and actions from the script to select supporting visual content (scenes). Including people in the video is a good idea as humans respond to other humans, but only if it supports the script.

  • Live footage, stock footage, still images (with or without motion effect) or even animation can be used, but choose natural-looking scenes and avoid obviously staged visuals.

Video format

The format of a video should match the requirements of the distribution channel chosen. Aim for a video resolution of at least 720p, and consider the tradeoffs of using 1080p resolution for larger screens.

  • Landscape format is preferred for websites and LinkedIn, while square or portrait formats are preferred for social media channels like Facebook and Instagram.

Video sound quality

Good sound quality is crucial for a video, as viewers are more likely to stop watching due to bad sound than mediocre visual quality. Accompanying music should be kept at a low level beneath the narration, and the use of a teleprompter can help avoid filler words during recording.

  • A good microphone and a quiet environment are key to achieving good sound quality

Even and natural

Use a lamp (or lamps) while filming indoors at night. The light should be bright but also diffused and indirect. Play around with the placement of lights, especially if your subject wears glasses, striving for the most natural look possible. Try to avoid harsh shadows and glare.

  • If you’re shooting live footage, light your subjects from the front using an outside window during the day, minimizing harsh shadows.

Video editing

In addition to the script, effective video content also requires careful attention to editing. Soft scene transitions, such as fades and dissolves, can be used to create a seamless and almost invisible editing style that allows the viewer to absorb the messages without being distracted by the editing itself.

  • By focusing on both the script and editing, you can create engaging video content that effectively communicates your message to your audience.


One key element that can help make your video content more engaging is the use of on-screen captions. This is especially important given that a large percentage of viewers watch videos with the sound off, whether on social media or your website.

  • So, don’t underestimate the power of captions when it comes to creating engaging video content!

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