Wise Marketing

Social media management is easy

People spend more time using social media than they do eating

  1. Social media management Strategy
  2. Social media planning calendar
  3. Channel-specific social media services
  4. Account/profile creation and branding
  5. Content creation
  6. Content publishing
  7. Research and analysis
  8. Education and consulting
  9.  Campaign and community management

Social media management is  a challenging job that requires creativity, strategic thinking and the ability to adapt to ever-changing trends. So, are you ready to take on the challenge?

Wise Marketing offers social media management campaigns implemented by the team have been successful for small businesses, enterprises, and franchises.

The elements of social media management

Social media management Strategy

Before creating a strategy, it’s important to research the target audience and social keywords. This helps in understanding what the audience is looking for and what they are interested in. Understanding social keywords can help in optimizing the content for maximum reach and engagement.


Social media planning calendar

Having a social media calendar can help you stay organized and consistent with your social media posting. It can also help you plan ahead for holidays, special events, or promotions. By using a digital calendar, spreadsheet, or our social media management platform, you can easily schedule posts and track their performance.

Channel based services

Each social media channel has its own characteristics,

Focus on social media channels that align with your typical client’s interests and needs, considering factors such as whether your client is a B2B business or consumer brand targeting millennials.

Profile creation and branding

In order to make your brand stand out, it is important to understand the customer’s goals and target audience. This helps determine which social networks to focus on and what type of content to create.

By providing expert guidance and support, you can help your clients succeed on social media and build a long-term relationship with them.

Content creation

There are certain dimensions, rules, and best practices to consider for different social media channels.

Social media content needs to be engaging and encourage sharing to help brands spread their message, which can involve creating graphics or videos, writing social media posts or blog posts, and sourcing shareable content from other brands and sources.

Content publishing

A content calendar is a great tool to plan ahead and ensure consistency in posting, but it should never be set in stone. It need to be able to adapt to current events and avoid any potential backlash from insensitive or posts.

By scheduling posts ahead of time, clients can ensure that they have a consistent presence on their social media channels, without having to worry about manually posting content every day.

Research and analysis

Mapping customer research and identifying their interests and behaviors can help businesses understand their target audience better, which in turn helps in developing effective marketing strategies. Conducting a thorough study of competitors is equally important, as it provides insights into their strengths and weaknesses.  Customer research and competitor analysis are key components of any successful business strategy.

Education and consulting

Social media can be complicated for businesses. Independent consultants can offer services to guide clients in social media marketing, including educating them on appropriate language and helping them adopt a conversational approach.

it’s important to identify the key skills and roles needed, and to create a plan for ongoing training and development.

Campaign management

By providing online brand management services, we can help our clients to stay on top of their social media presence and engage with their audience effectively.

By working closely with our clients as an extension of their marketing department, we can help them to achieve their social media goals and build a strong, engaged following online.

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Experience Matters

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Sandy Löfgren
"Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. totam rem aperiam. At vero eos et bitse. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officiel."
Lorin Eklund

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