Wise Marketing

Greating Logo & Branding

Your Visual Identity is Very Important.

Visual identity is a way to build trust with potential customers by using visible elements of your brand.

Be careful not to send the wrong message with your image!


The elements of visual identity


Graphics, in the context of visual identity, are objects that are drawn or designed. They can be as simple as shapes and forms—consider a Lego block or Coca-Cola bottle and how these distinctive silhouettes signify their respective brands. Or they can be more complex, such as logo designs, icons, or even full-scale illustrations or animations.


Typography can play a big role in your branding. There are many different types of fonts, each with its own effect on readability. You’ll want to consider the wordmark (logo), headline font, and body copy font when designing your visual identity. The most legible typeface should be used for all text in your brand – this includes headings and body content.

Color palette

To create a cohesive brand identity and stand out from the competition, many businesses rely on specific colors to draw in customers. When designing a brand, it’s important to assign primary colors (the main color for your project), secondary colors (to be used in the background) and accent colors (for contrasting purposes on buttons or other assets).


When it comes to visual identity, designers must be selective about the images they choose. Only those images that are most representative of the brand’s personality and its customers should be used in advertisements or marketing material. Image resonance is the most important element in marketing to target audiences because people naturally look at faces and want to see themselves represented in brands they consume.

Logo and brand assets

Logo design is an important part of the overall branding strategy. A logo is the most visible symbol for a brand, and it can set the tone for many of the graphics, colors, and typography choices in your visual identity going forward. This includes things like business cards, letterheads, social avatars/cover images – where you’re mainly trying to distinguish your brand from others.

Physical brand assets

Physical assets can be classified as visual elements that contribute to a brand’s overall identity. Even if a business doesn’t have physical presence, these assets will still play an important role in communicating their image. All of these send signals to consumers about what brands or businesses they are dealing with.

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Sandy Löfgren
"Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. totam rem aperiam. At vero eos et bitse. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officiel."
Lorin Eklund

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